...at fifty you get the face you deserve - Coco Chanel

"...at fifty you get the face you deserve" - Coco Chanel

Friday 31 December 2010

My New Print

This was an early Christmas present to myself. I love the simplicity. It got me wondering...We all love a good saying. They can help us when times are difficult, but can you live your life by sayings. Strange thought I know but it has me wondering...

Thursday 30 December 2010

Quote of the Week

When people show you who they are the first time, believe them - Maya Angelou

The Dreaded New Year Resolution!

It's that time of year again! The time when people make resolutions they never intend to keep - loose weight, join the gym, go to the gym, dump the good-for-nothing boyfriend, get a good-for-nothing boyfriend, eat five-a-day, keep a diary etc etc. You all know what I mean. This is the time of year where certain famous weight-loss companies start rubbing their hands together. It's amazing how the 'eat less and exercise more!' concept is marketed in so many different ways every single year. Don't get me wrong. I have fallen for it many time. I'm one of those people who is alway a stone or two too heavy but never fat enough to do anything about it. Every year I start off - "right...healthy salads for lunch...a smoothy every morning to get my five-a-day...go for a run...go to the gym...be organised..." You all know what I mean, we all do it. Well this year!!! A BLOG. Not inspirational I know. Not going to change the world. But hoping it's going to...Well I have no idea what my random rantings, likes, dislikes are going to achieve. 1st of January 2011 here I come...!